Here are 3 keys to humility that are paramount to practice as we proceed forward:
1. Be teachable. One of the most evident signs of humility is that you can be corrected without defending yourself; you don’t always have to be right, and you posture your heart to learn from others.
2. Don’t be easily offended. Listen, carrying offense is a bummer! Have you ever experienced someone telling you a story about their hurt or their pain that happened
twenty years ago? Yet, they recount the story as if it were yesterday, re-living the pain over and over. Believers, we have got to learn to be quick to forgive and release those grudges we’re holding on to. I like what Joyce Meyer said, “Harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die.”
3. Be content in who you are, but more importantly, be content in who you are not. Authenticity has such a high value right now. People are searching to be seen, but it’s those who freely admit their flaws, mistakes, and failures that demonstrate healthy humility that the world is so desperate for. Being content in who you are opens you up to authentic love and hopeful freedom.
Revivals are never birthed out of being right, they are born out of righteousness which is rooted in Jesus’ redemption and forgiveness. God is positioning those who pursue humility to gain unsurmountable favor, wisdom, and solutions in this season. Remember, humility + nothing = promotion.
The Lord is for us and is guiding us through this tumultuous time. But my question to you is: will you humble yourself and follow His lead? My prayer is that the Lord will give us insights on how to be noble and virtuous; holding to righteous convictions; while being patient with those who are living by a different standard. May we align ourselves with God’s will for the remainder of 2020!
How has this week been for
you? What have you learned? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.