When Ezekiel entered the valley of dry bones, the outlook was bleak; death hung over the battlefield like a thick dark cloud of gloom. Then suddenly, God rocked Ezekiel’s world when He asked the prophet a ridiculous question: “Can these bones live?” The great prophet staggered to comprehend the possible outcome of God’s incredible inquiry. Finally, he gathered himself and answered, “You know, Lord.” The rest is history: a mighty army emerged from the valley of dry bones as Ezekiel prophesied life into that graveyard (see Ezekiel 37:1-10).
Our world today seems to be in dreadful
disarray . Poverty, immorality, and injustice continue to erode the fabric of society. And, from the looks of our current presidential election that took place only days ago, the chasm created by staunch political ideologies is widening by the minute. Yet, once again, God’s prophetic people stand in the valley of the shadow of death, and once again,
God is asking us the same question: “
Can these bones live ?”
Every nation’s history hangs in the balance as we ponder the answer to this profound question; will we inspire mass despair, or will we equip a mighty army of light-bearers who transform this deep darkness?
God’s exhortation to Ezekiel to
prophesy to the dry bones of a once-powerful army and restore them to their former glory was a shadow of things to come (see Hebrews 10:1). It was a foretaste of
the most important role of God’s prophetic people: to breathe life into the dead, dusty army of believers that once turned the world upside down.
Do you remember the scene in the gospels when the Spirit of God led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil? For 40 days and nights, the Son of God refused to eat or drink anything. He looked broken, tattered, and weak – easy prey for a powerful devil. But after a brutal battle with Satan, in the end, the Son of God had the final say! Jesus exited the wilderness in the “power of the Spirit,” which launched Him into His public ministry of destroying the works of the devil! (See Luke 4:1-13 and Matthew 4:1-11).
It was three and a half years later that they would meet again for one final battle. You likely know the story: Satan managed to get Jesus nailed to a cross and buried in a grave. But unbeknownst to him, death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him, and the devil could not defeat Him. The heavens thundered, and the earth quaked as watching warriors and waiting witnesses gathered for three long days. Do you remember what happened next? Jesus emerged victorious again, with the final say. "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.” He proclaimed to the gathered disciples, “therefore, go, and make disciples of ALL nations."
Know this: if the devil knew what was going to happen at the cross, he would’ve killed everybody who was trying to kill Jesus!
The devil’s overconfident miscalculation was his demise but it is our victory. Don’t you see, Jesus not only had the final say over the works of the enemy, He IS the final say today, tomorrow, and always!
Just as Ezekiel was called to look at a hopeless situation of death and dismay and have a role in changing the course of history, so must we as believers look at our world and see beyond what the enemy is up to. Instead of relinquishing the final say over to superficial things like the evening news, social media, or worse yet, the enemy’s foreboding forecast, I challenge you to take back your God-given authority and walk through the valleys of life with purpose, passion, and the power of God’s final say. Here are 4 ways that you can do that:
1. Learn to see beyond what’s obvious. When everybody else sees a valley of dry bones, it is incumbent upon us as the prophetic people of God to envision a mighty army. Not only do we need to see beyond, but we have to take action, procreating with God through prophetic declarations. As we see through Ezekiel’s story, prophecy is not just telling the future; oftentimes God calls us to cause the future!
2. Learn to lead the way.
When the people of God feel defeated, depressed, powerless and outnumbered, it is the responsibility of God’s prophetic people to rise up and pick a fight against overwhelming odds, because we can see into the invisible realm and we know that there are more who are for us than those who are against us!
3. Be a bold bearer of hope. When the Body of Christ encounters demonic forces in the dark night of the soul and they feel weak, hungry, and fragile, it is God’s prophetic people who can see past the plots of the enemy and envision the battle plans of the angel armies. This gives us authority to release declarations of hope in the midst of the house of horrors, which in turn ensnares principalities, and disarms and imprisons them in their own demonic devices.
4. Remember God’s promises!
When the mourners see a crucified body and the soldiers are counting their coins, and all the while Pilot has washed his hands of the whole mess, it is the people of God, thousands years earlier, who had already predicted an empty tomb!
The world waits in hopeful anticipation as God’s prophetic people stand in the valley of decision. My prayer is that God would once again equip us to see a mighty army rise from the dry bones of global despair, and shine the light of hope into this desperate world!
How is God changing the way you view the valleys of life? Let me know in the comments below!