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Kris Vallotton
February 15, 2022
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Is there such a thing as a natural-born leader? Someone that innately influences people and instinctively implements authority? Maybe not every leader is a president or CEO of a large company, but in society, we easily identify class presidents, neighborhood pastors, and teachers as leaders in our lives. We all know people that seem to naturally gather a crowd or cause people to rally around a cause, whether or not their influence was earned, appointed, or developed. 

But, what is it that makes someone a leader? John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.” However, this begs the question: does everyone have the same level of influence? Let’s take a look at Moses; he was instructed by his father-in-law Jethro to “teach them God’s decrees, and give them his instructions. Show them how to conduct their lives. But select from all the people some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as leaders over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten” (Exodus 18:20-21). Jethro was aware that some men may be capable of leading thousands while others might do really well at leading ten. What I am getting at is some people may have a call to lead many, while others have a call to lead a few. 

Maybe you are aware you are a leader, whether leading large congregations or leading your family at home. I’d propose we all have influence whether large or small; therefore, everyone is a natural-born leader! So how do you develop yourself into being a greater leader? No matter your capacity or call, you must be committed to growth. Now, let me be clear; I do not mean growth in the number of people you are influencing, I mean growth in your leadership. You must press the lid of your leadership level and knock on your door of uncomfortability to reach places that have never been reached and make a mark on the earth like never before no matter the size of your influence. 

I recently sat down for a conversation with Banning Liebscher, someone who has an incredible call of leadership on his life. Banning was on our leadership team at Bethel Church for over a decade before planting Jesus Culture Sacramento. In our conversation on leadership Banning stated, “It is important that as a leader when you are challenged to grow, you don’t run from that…What you steward grows.” I could not agree more! So many leaders remain stuck and stagnant, surrounded by the weeds of circumstances without pushing through to reach new levels in their leadership potential. The world is waiting for great leaders to rise and pave a way in society today.

In this week’s Cultural Catalysts episode, Banning and I discuss the challenges of leadership and the importance of continual growth, whether leading thousands or leading one. 



It is with great faith and foresight after being in leadership for over 40 years that I encourage you to run the good race. In seasons that feel relentless and restless, lean into the voice of God; He is never short of valuable wisdom and timeless perspective. Remember, we serve a God of the impossible! 

How has the Lord used unique moments or circumstances to grow your leadership lid? I would love to hear in the comments below. 

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