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Kris Vallotton
February 1, 2022
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Every generation is marked with a mission from Heaven to carry a unique expression of Jesus in their day. We have seen over and over again generations become pioneers of change and catalysts of God’s grace in innovations, explorations, and social transformations. Leaders, revivalists, and faithful saints rise to the call to partner in stewarding a generation into the fullness of their calling and fulfillment of their destiny. They become the synergists of Heaven’s decree; manifesting the supernatural power of the Gospel through a sanctified strategy for the challenges of their age. 

All throughout history, leaders rise up to take on the position to partner with the Lord to lead a generation – from Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery to King Solomon who united the tribes of Israel under one monarch. For centuries, God has appointed people to lead in compassion and shepherd people searching for a Savior. Today’s times are no different though the challenges and circumstances continually change. So, how do we as leaders partner with Heaven to champion a generation into their purpose and destiny? 

This does not entail needing to change the message or reinvent the wheel — the Bible is a timeless truth, an appealing message of grace. What I am getting at is as a leader, it is important to acknowledge the people that you are speaking to — who are they, what are their needs, what language do they speak? Each generation is marked with a different heartbeat. 

The truth is, more than Jesus cared to say the “right” thing or demand His rightful place, He operated in authority and grace. I’d propose being a leader is more than having a polished message or the perfect personality; leadership is not a popularity contest. It’s the greatest honor and it’s in the highest regard that as leaders you are serving the ones that the Lord has placed in your path and seeking out the gold in their hearts. If we don’t see the divine destiny of the people that we lead, we will lead them blindly. 

A wonderful leader and pastor of this day, Chad Veach, says, “If I speak to the fool in my kid I get the fool, but if I speak to the king in my kid I draw out the king. We have to do that with this generation.” This is said perfectly; if we do not see the ones we are leading by the spirit, we miss one of the greatest responsibilities in leadership. 

In this week’s episode of Cultural Catalysts, I sat down for a conversation with Chad Veach to talk about rising to the call of leadership and leading the generations. Chad is the pastor and founder of Zoe Church in Los Angeles, CA, a husband, and father of four. Chad is an incredible man of God that is pastoring a generation in the profound Truth of the Gospel. 



I hope that as you listen to this conversation you would be encouraged and inspired by what the Lord is doing in this day and age. I pray that your heart would leap with excitement as the Holy Spirit shows you the gold in the people around you. He has prepared a unique purpose for your life and through relationship with the Holy Spirit, you have everything you need to fulfill all the Lord has called you to. 

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