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Kris Vallotton
January 25, 2022
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So many Christians are nervous to share about their faith. But, is evangelism what we have cracked it up to be? Is it converting the hearts of man to say a single prayer and check them off our list? What a sad misunderstanding of the gospel if it is. I’d propose Jesus was a perfect example of true evangelism; He loved the ones in front of Him and wasn’t scared of the ones who were lost. He made His imperfect people His closest companions and confidants. What I am getting at is, doing the work of the Father was food for His soul — the very thing it still should be for the Church today. 

God is not looking for perfect people to fill polished pews, preachers with packed services, or a precise praise choir. God dwells in the Church of imperfect people, flawed creation, and neglected establishments. He “shows up” in the corner church with the sign aging from the years of standing in the sun as much as He appears in the oldest cathedrals with ancient architecture, years of history, and well-kept facilities.

God uses the broken people with painful stories and pulverized spirits to touch the hearts of men and bring Heaven to earth. It’s often in the very moments that we find ourselves tangled in our own shortcomings, uncertain if we are qualified to be used by God, that He uses us to become the tangible hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbor. God partners with us to see the broken restored and the hurting set free— He is able to use the least of these! 

My friend Angelo Jeanpierre says it like this: “Jesus died for you, He loves you, He knows everything about our life. When you love your neighbor and let the Lord use you, it empowers you into the reality of why you are alive.” There isn’t a person with all their flaws, shortcomings, or limitations that the Lord cannot use. He chose someone that once persecuted the Church to be one of the greatest Church leaders of all time, He chose a young girl yet to be married to mother the Savior of the whole world. He isn’t limited by our limitations or scared of our sins; He is a good Father looking to touch and heal the hearts of men. 

In this week’s episode of Cultural Catalysts, I had Angelo Jeanpierre join me for a conversation on living an empowered life. Angelo is an incredible husband, father of five, author, and Outreach Pastor at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. He has an amazing evangelism anointing and has served Bethel Church and BSSM for over 10 years. 



I want to encourage you to examine your heart and ask yourself if evangelism has become more complicated than God intended for it to be. I’d propose that evangelism is simply loving the Father and loving the ones He places in front of you. 

John 16 says, “But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” I want to remind you that you have everything you need inside of you to live and be the supernatural power of the Gospel to the lost and broken. 

I would love to hear in the comments below how you have been able to share the Gospel with your family, loved ones, friends, or strangers?

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