In today's world, the Church at large has diminished and disregarded the role of prophets and prophetic ministry outside the four walls of the church. It can leave you wondering “Where did all the prophets go?” and questioning the significance of prophetic ministry.
It is common in prophetic culture today, for prophets to simply make powerful prophetic proclamations from the podium. But, I’d propose that we have diluted prophetic ministry in the 21st century — the role of a prophet is so much more than making forth-telling statements. We see in the Bible that rarely were prophets confined to church settings or congregations but rather lived outside of the four walls shifting culture and shaping history.
I’d like to point out that in the days of the prophet Elijah, there arose a company of men who were called the “sons of the prophets” (Kings 20:35).
These men traveled throughout the world ravaging the powers of darkness and wreaking havoc on evil kingdoms.
They had no tolerance for the destructive behavior of wicked kings but rather turned many to righteousness.
They raised the dead, healed the sick, parted rivers, destroyed false prophets, and saw revival spread throughout their land. They were feared by many and respected by all. They walked in great purity, and God was their friend. They were cultural catalysts, not just prophets behind a pulpit.
Consider the life of Joseph — he influenced the king of his day, by not just interpreting his dream, but by providing solutions and strategies for the seven prosperous years and seven lean years the nations would face (Genesis 41).
I recently sat down for a conversation with Lindsey Reiman, Director of Prophetic Ministry at Bethel Church. Lindsey has ministered prophetically in multiple metrons and spheres of authority. In our discussion, she brilliantly explained how to navigate stepping into your unique sphere of influence as a prophet. She stated, “Language is a gateway to trust. We must be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” I highly encourage you to watch the entire interview below.
My prayer as you watch this week’s Cultural Catalysts episode is that you are encouraged and spurred on to carry the Kingdom of God into every sphere of society. That you begin to see how the Lord has strategically positioned you and has uniquely stationed you to not only carry His Presence but discover Heavenly solutions for the sphere of influence you are called to.
God has created you with a specific prophetic destiny! You were born for such a time as this.
If you desire to refine your gifting, grow in confidence to prophetically spearhead the way of cultural change, and be empowered to influence the unique sphere you are called to- I want to invite you to the School of the Prophets on August 7-11, 2023. You can register for both in-person, in Redding Ca or online here.
It is time to break the silence, stand boldly in the dark places, and resound truth across the nations. God is calling His prophets to courageously prepare the prophetic path of divine providence. In this one-week intensive training school, you will gain an understanding of the prophetic gifting, the office of a prophet, and how to operate effectively in your unique prophetic calling. I hope to see you there!