In a nutshell:
Have you ever found yourself on the forgiveness hamster wheel? Running on the same painful path and never moving forward towards redemption or restoration? You may even find yourself forgiving someone over and over, ultimately believing the lie that you didn’t forgive them from the beginning?
The truth is, when you forgive someone once, that is enough. Yes, that’s all it takes for God’s mercy to reign over a situation. You do not need to forgive them over and over again for the wrongful act they did years ago. What I am getting at is that
forgiveness is not an act of your emotion – it is an act of your will. When you forgive someone, you erase the whiteboard of any wrong and it restores it back to the pinnacle standard.
The challenge is that sometimes we experience the pain from the injustice that was done years ago, even after we have forgiven them.
If you have forgiven someone and still experience hurt and negative emotions, this is not a sign that you have not truly forgiven them.
Rather take this as a sign you still need to seek healing and wholeness. And perhaps, you may even need help processing through the painful event, the repercussions of it, and dismantling the lies that may have entangled you through the wrongdoing against you.
I encourage you to ask the Lord what your next steps are on the journey of finding healing.
This may look like seeking counsel, talking with a friend, or processing with the Lord. Forgiveness is powerful and receiving healing and wholeness are essential to living an abundant life.
How has forgiveness transformed your life? I’d love to hear in the comments below.