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Kris Vallotton
January 29, 2021
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Have you felt like the world has gotten so complicated? There are no bright flashing lights ahead, assuring you’re headed in the right direction, the future is looking foggy, the path is uncertain and your present is feeling unsettling? I understand, this has been our reality as we’ve had to learn to navigate one of the most challenging seasons our country and world have faced. Whether you've had to navigate leading your family that has been forced to stay home for months, or a large movement full of employees that will be altered by your decisions, we’ve all been affected. 

Recently, I began asking God how to move forward, where do we go from here, and how to get there. I was forward-thinking, assuming this must be the way out of the mess, the solution to unscramble the complexity of issues, and the road back to a sense of “normalcy” again. 

In return, I heard the Lord clearly say, “go BACK to the beginning.” Today, I want to share how going back to the beginning is the way forward:

In a nutshell: 


  • There is a lot of confusion in the air; it has been a challenging season.
  • Many of us have questions like: how do we move forward, where are we going, and how do we get there?
  • I’ve recently been thinking about when I first got saved.
  • In my early years in Weaverville, CA, I told the Lord I wanted to hear Him clearly like many prophets I was reading about at the time,    and to have an impact on the world.
  • When I lived in Weaverville, we began to gather for prayer meetings in our movement and share our hearts and desires with the Lord. 
  • This is where it all started, before any major global movement.
  • A month ago, I started to feel that I need to get back to the simplicity of where I began when I started loving Jesus.
  • I heard the Lord say, “ return to the deeds you did at first ” (Rev 2:5). 
  • Somehow we’ve complicated it, but it’s so simple. 
  • The beginning of my walk with the Lord looked like picking up trash, loving people, and caring for others in secret
  • Right now, I feel like there is a great benefit in living past to present, remembering your history. 
  • What would happen if your city decided to live in extraordinary generosity and simplistic love, where we were kind and rid of       judgment?



I want to encourage you to bring it back to the basics with these three challenges. I'd propose they will be keys in your present and your future!

  1. Love people, even the person you don't agree with, or the person who causes you trouble.
  2. Obey what you hear from God.
  3. Be extremely generous; this is a key to revival!

Lastly, what would it look like for you to go back to your first love? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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