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Kris Vallotton
April 2, 2021


With Easter in just a couple of days, I’ve been thinking about the power of the cross. I always find myself in awe and admiration of the sacrifice that was displayed for me on the cross between the nails, flesh, and wood. A humble obedience and the holy sacrifice of the Son of God changed the course of history. 

Have you ever wondered how He did it? How He took on the most painful and difficult moment of His life without calling it quits? He endured the most painful day of His life, abandoned to fear and surrendered to the promise of God. 

How was He able to endure the piercing nails and the torturous crown of thorns? How did He handle the abuse and scoffing of men? Such pain feels unimaginable. I’d propose He had a vision beyond the pain and suffering; He saw that the fear and torture of Friday wouldn’t in the slightest way compare to the joy and praise of Sunday morning. 

I wanted to remember the beauty and message displayed on the cross on Good Friday and repost the blog below (I originally posted it on March 30th, 2018). The power of the cross is incredible; it’s indestructible. It never loses its significance and value; it never gets old. 


Sometimes we face trials for extended periods of time. It’s not a fun fact of life to come to terms with, especially when you feel like you’re at the end of your rope. Maybe you’ve tried everything you know to try; held onto your prophetic words and testimonies of what God has already done in your life. And yet sometimes the pain still feels too heavy to carry when you’re repeatedly put through the trouble of a trying situation. It’s in those moments that I want you to remember that vision will give your pain a purpose, and it will sustain you even when you feel like throwing in the towel.


Vision is the invisible manager that guides, encourages, and inspires fervent souls who are undertaking the Master’s supernatural assignment to prepare the planet for His reentry. When I see saints exercising enormous self-control, showing great courage in overcoming difficulties, and demonstrating excellence in their divine assignments, I know it means they have captured a vision for their lives. The greatest example of this that I can think of is Jesus on the cross.

When Jesus faced the most difficult moment of His life, He didn’t give up. Do you think He ever considered throwing in the towel? I don’t pretend to know all of His thoughts on that day but I know what the Word says.

Let’s take a deeper look on this Flashback Friday video:

In a nutshell:

• It’s really important that we understand history so that we don’t repeat it. And so that we understand the cost of those who went before us, so we understand their values and bring it into our new season.


• I grew up in a patriarchal family, and my grandfather had a lot of respect (and sometimes control) over us as a family.


My grandfather went blind because of a tumor, so he ordered all of us kids and grandkids to read the Bible to him in two-hour shifts, 12 hours a day for 6 days a week. My family still talks about those years!


My grandfather taught me perseverance from the time I was a little boy. Then later when I grew up I read in the Bible that God’s people don’t give up.


Romans 15:4-5 says, “through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus.”


In order to have a Sunday, you have to have a Friday. Before there could be a resurrection there had to be a crucifixion.


Hebrews 12:2 says, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”


When Jesus prayed He actually sweat blood because He was persevering and pushing His way through death and into the cross.


We all know the power of the cross in our lives, the profound love poured out for us, the forgiveness that we receive through being hidden in Christ… It’s amazing and never gets old to think about! However, today I feel it on my heart to remind you of a lesson that we don’t always think about on Good Friday—that through the cross Jesus taught us endurance through pain. And how did He endure it all? For the joy set before Him. He could persist through the pain, face it head-on, even though it was obviously not enjoyable in the moment, to say the least. Jesus could do this because He focused on what he was gaining in the process.


It unravels me to think that through the pain He was thinking of me (and you). And that His love for us was a driving force to persevere. So whatever you’re facing today, I want you to know that your Father in heaven is looking at you with love in His eyes and compassion in His heart. He can empathize and connect with your pain because He felt it all on the cross. I feel an invitation today to ask Him for a picture of the joy set before you…the thing that will drive you to persevere in this season. He is waiting to speak to you, to encourage you, and to give you hope for your future today! May you endure and persevere through whatever trials you may be facing with the strength of joy!

This Easter weekend I hope you are filled with incredible joy and vision. My heart goes out to anyone that has faced a trial in this season — I pray that your perseverance is richly rewarded and your faith is strengthened. 

How has your life been impacted by the power of the cross? I would love to hear in the comments below!

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