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Kris Vallotton
April 9, 2021


I had an encounter with God years ago that has changed my life forever. As I laid in my bathtub one night Jesus walked into my bathroom and told me, “You’re a great leader. You’re going to be a prophet to kings, prime ministers, and governors.” You may think that is incredible or wish God would walk into your room and give you clarity on your calling. 

Truly it was one of the most significant encounters I have had, but I wish I could say that was all it took to catapult me into my destiny. Instead, I was left with this weighty word from the Lord and no idea how it would come to fruition. Yes, I was given a mission that day; my life became filled with purpose and I began wrestling with all that had been handed to me in that encounter — yet, I had no idea where to begin. Maybe you haven’t had this exact same encounter but maybe you have felt called or have even received countless prophetic words that have given you purpose but lack the blueprint or instructions in order to be able to accomplish it. 

We have all seen someone on a mission; they are determined and steadfast; they have a goal in mind that no hurdle seems to be able to stop. Yet, it is easy to find ourselves disappointed when our own efforts fail us in pursuit of a God-given mission. The hurdles that once would not have stopped you have now caused you to crumble, causing anxiety as you question how you’ll accomplish the call with no time left and with uncertainty in every step. 

I’d propose a successful mission is backed by a sanctified vision. Vision brings flesh to the bones and sight to the eyes of a God-given mission. It is a remedy to the disappointment of failed attempts and unfulfilled promises. The truth is, challenges and difficult circumstances are inevitable; pain and heartache are probable — this is why vision is vital.

When you have a vision, the pain of long-awaited breakthroughs and unfulfilled promises are given a purpose; it is a catalyst that motivates the soul and makes perseverance possible. Now let me be clear, I understand that sometimes the venture to the promised land gets long; we can even begin to feel stalled on the highway of our mission. It is easy to think “when I finally get that dream job…” or “when I meet my spouse…” or even “when I finally have a breakthrough in my health” then I will feel satisfied in the waiting. The truth is, there is an opportunity to be fully satisfied with your life in the waiting. Vision is a divine blueprint that is discovered through sanctified imagination. When you invite the Holy Spirit into your dream spot and allow Him to unfold the scene on the screen of your sanctified mind, a blueprint unfolds and the mission is given a vision with purpose and drive. 

In this week’s video blog I share more about how to partner with the Holy Spirit in finding vision for your life. 

In a nutshell: 

  • Having a vision is not the same as having a mission. 
  • The mission is the “why”; it gives your life a purpose. Vision is the “what”; it is visual.
  • It is a vision that actually motivates your soul.
  • When you have a purpose it is important that you take time and get the blueprint from God.
  • Vision is the primary way that you find purpose in the midst of the pain. 
  • Hope helps you find vision and vision gives you hope. 
  • The Lord can also give you a vision for others. At the end of this week’s video blog the Lord gave me prophetic words for people that would be watching this video. I hope you are blessed by it.


“No man is willing to die for something that he doesn’t believe in” — I recently heard this statement that struck me and I felt it’s connected to the importance of vision. More importantly than finding vision for your life, it is essential that you believe in it. You can be given great insight into the life you’re called to as a co-heir with Christ but without belief, it will lead you right back to the pit of discouragement, cripple you in hopelessness, and halt your progress. Yet with belief, you will find hope, and with hope, you will find an increase in vision. 

If you have found yourself traveling down the road of discouragement and disbelief — constantly finding yourself disappointed that you haven’t seen a breakthrough or outcome in your life, I want to first encourage you to ask yourself a very honest question: “Have I become a victim of my circumstance?” When you believe you are a victim you adopt an identity other than your royal identity through Christ. Let me be clear, I am not saying there is not a proper time to grieve and process the pain you have experienced. However, when years have passed and we are still blaming the wrong that was done to us it is time to grab hold of your inherited identity in Christ and step into your victorious position as a child of God. 

Secondly, if you have found yourself isolated on the road of discouragement and depression, I want to exhort you to surround yourself with people that are filled with hope and faith. It is okay to rely on the faith of others to help direct you down the road back into divine vision and hope. 

Lastly, when the cloud of pain and discouragement has rested on your mind and fogged your thoughts, begin to write down the things you are thankful for. Start with three and as you begin to break out from the weight of the cloud, continue to write down more; notice how your thoughts begin to ruminate on things that are true, right, pure, and lovely. I have had to practice this many times in my own life; it has been my weapon in the war on the battlefield of my mind. 

I want to encourage you this week to sit down with God and invite the Holy Spirit to dream with you; allow the Holy Spirit to unfold a movie on the screen of your sanctified imagination. I pray that the vision He shares with you is a catalyst for breakthrough in your life. 

How has vision given your pain a purpose? I would love to hear in the comments below. 

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