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Kris Vallotton
April 16, 2021


I recently interviewed Elizabeth Woning, the co-founder of the organization Equipped to Love and The CHANGED Movement, on an important piece of legislation that is currently being considered in Washington D.C. The Equality Act (HR5) is a piece of legislation that focuses on anti-discrimination. Why should you care about the Equality Act Amendment? The Equality Act redefines the word “sex” in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to incorporate gender identity. I wholeheartedly agree that individuals that identify as LGBTQ deserve honor, dignity, and respect. However, in an effort to amend an injustice this bill has done so in a reprehensible manner. Let me be clear, by no means do I agree that any individual deserves ill-treatment — it truly grieves my heart when I think of how society and the church have approached the LGBTQ community. However, I do believe there is an approach that models true justice. 

We saw Jesus model a life that uprooted the weeds of discrimination, broke down societal stigmas, and crushed cultural barriers. Jesus sat with the unloved and outcasts of society and advocated for wholeness in individual’s lives and for unity in the body of Christ. He cared for all people and promoted ethical treatment for all children of God.


This piece of legislation is deemed to affect how the Gospel is preached, alter how gender identity is understood in society, and neglect the protection of awarded women’s rights. 

I urge you to watch this informative interview with Elizabeth Woning and myself as we discuss further the repercussions of this amendment and the importance of our response.

Here is a brief summary of HR5 (many thanks to The Changed Movement for creating these): 

  • The EA will make it more difficult for people to walk out their faith in alignment with biblical values by removing essential protections of religious liberty (the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is explicitly exempted. RFRA is a tool for people of faith to use as a shield against discrimination by the federal government.)
  • In a misguided effort to ensure support for transgender identifying people, this bill mandates medical and emotional care in such a way that forces doctors to support treatments against their best medical judgment; and it jeopardizes the Hyde Amendment which prevents federal funding of abortion.
  • The Equality Act redefines the word “sex” in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to incorporate “gender identity.” This effectively removes Title IX protections for women, making it possible for biological males (transgender identifying women) to compete in women’s sports, enter women’s shelters, etc., or apply for grants and subsidies reserved previously for the advancement of biological women.


Sexuality can feel like a silenced subject, a grey area of uncertainty and cloud of confusion in the Church — I want to bring clarity and light to this subject. I have shared below a recent statement that Bethel Church made in response to the Equality Act on biblical sexuality. 

Bethel’s Statement on Biblical Sexuality:

Sex and sin are not synonymous. God made us sexual beings before sin was a factor. This was the blessing that He called “very good” (Gen. 1:31 NIV) and He has given us boundaries about how to express ourselves sexually. The Bible consistently addresses the complexity of our sexuality as a result of our sin. God knows that the development of our sexuality is dependent on our family, community, and culture. Human sexuality has few natural limitations; one may act sexually with anyone or anything and in any setting if we are not socialized about what is healthy and expected. Knowing this, God has taught us His values.

As a model for all of humanity, God socialized Israel in the proper and healthy expression of sex. Just as any other pleasure in life, like rest, work, eating, or alcohol, sex can be wonderful or destructive. He had to teach Israel that sex with one’s parents or children wasn’t acceptable, nor was sex with someone else’s spouse, sex with the same gender, sex for sale, sex in ritual worship, sex outside of marriage, sex with animals, sex in a group, and forcing sex on another—all were unacceptable to God, no matter how tempting or desirable. As we read this list, we may feel we have already embraced most of the Lord’s ways or naturally complied to many of these boundaries, but they are all values we have learned. Humans didn’t invent these guidelines in an evolutionary process or by imagining their ideal experience; rather they came from divine revelation. God taught us how to socialize one another and steward the gift of sex to create healthy people and societies.

The refusal to acknowledge and honor God leads to disconnection from reality. The lie that He doesn’t exist, can’t be known, has no rightful demands on us, and/or that we are not accountable to God creates a web of untruth in society as we invent new meanings for life and vie for power and pleasure. Our thoughts, emotions, and wills become distorted and unreliable guides in such a way that we worship created things rather than worshipping the Creator (Rom. 1:25).

God deeply values freedom because it is part of being made in His image and is necessary if we are to truly love and become like Christ. Worshipping things other than God eventually leads to lust—the enshrinement of desire as the focus of life—and it is idolatry. Eventually, lust enslaves people as they define themselves predominantly by their desires rather than God’s heart and purpose. Instead of consistently intervening, He will allow individuals and societies to stubbornly experience sin’s damaging effects—even to the point where it distorts their humanity (Rom. 1:24). God takes the gifts of free will and love very seriously and will not coerce devotion.

The multitude of possible gender identities and the normalization of same-sex sexual behavior points to a society that has abandoned the desire to accurately define and socialize humanity as a reflection of God’s image—humanity created as male and female, alike but different, who produce offspring of like kind (Gen. 1:26-28). They have suppressed and distorted something built into the fabric of creation, and this is not healthy (Rom. 1:21-23). For the sake of respect and communication throughout this statement, we have referenced “LGBTQ”; but these labels merely describe a subjective and often fluid experience that belies the objective truth of our male and female biology.

 I encourage you to read Bethel’s full statement on Biblical sexuality


It is incumbent upon us that we do not disregard our responsibility as sons and daughters to respond to the injustices that surround us. I want to encourage you to take action; contact your senator today and tell them you oppose the Equality Act. This can be done in three simple steps:

  1. Find your senators listed below. 
  2. Either call, email, or write them a letter stating you oppose HR5. Copy and paste this or write your own:

I STRONGLY OPPOSE HR5 (The Equality Act) because of its infringements on religious liberty and its discrimination against women. Please vote against this bill.

        It will take you 5 minutes or less and it’s extremely easy and nonintrusive. 

   3. Pray for America and the LGBTQ community. 

I have provided a list of all US senators based on location.
Scroll down within the lists below to find your state and contact your senators.

State (Alabama - Indiana) Senator Phone Number Contact Page
Alabama Richard C. Shelby (202) 224-5744 Contact
Alabama Tommy Tuberville (202) 224-4124 Contact
Alaska Lisa Murkowski (202) 224-6665 Contact
Alaska Dan Sullivan (202) 224-3004 Contact
Arizona Mark Kelly (202) 224-2235 Contact
Arizona Kyrsten Sinema (202) 224-4521 Contact
Arkansas John Boozman (202) 224-4843 Contact
Arkansas Tom Cotton (202) 224-2353 Contact
California Dianne Feinstein (202) 224-3841 Contact
California Alex Padilla (202) 224-3553 Contact
Colorado Michael F. Bennet (202) 224-5852 Contact
Colorado John W. Hickenlooper (202) 224-5941 Contact
Connecticut Richard Blumenthal (202) 224-2823 Contact
Connecticut Christopher Murphy (202) 224-4041 Contact
Delaware Thomas R. Carper (202) 224-2441 Contact
Delaware Christopher A. Coons (202) 224-5042 Contact
Florida Marco Rubio (202) 224-3041 Contact
Florida Rick Scott (202) 224-5274 Contact
Georgia Jon Ossoff (202) 224-3521 Contact
Georgia Raphael G. Warnock (202) 224-3643 Contact
Hawaii Mazie K. Hirono (202) 224-6361 Contact
Hawaii Brian Schatz (202) 224-3934 Contact
Idaho Mike Crapo (202) 224-6142 Contact
Idaho James E. Risch (202) 224-2752 Contact
Illinois Tammy Duckworth (202) 224-2854 Contact
Illinois Richard J. Durbin (202) 224-2152 Contact
Indiana Mike Braun (202) 224-4814 Contact
Indiana Todd Young (202) 224-5623 Contact
State (Iowa - Nevada) Senator Phone Contact Page
Iowa Joni Ernst (202) 224-3254 Contact
Iowa Chuck Grassley (202) 224-3744 Contact
Kansas Roger Marshall (202) 224-4774 Contact
Kansas Jerry Moran (202) 224-6521 Contact
Kentucky Mitch McConnell (202) 224-2541 Contact
Kentucky Rand Paul (202) 224-4343 Contact
Louisiana Bill Cassidy (202) 224-5824 Contact
Louisiana John Kennedy (202) 224-4623 Contact
Maine Susan M. Collins (202) 224-2523 Contact
Maine Angus S. King, Jr. (202) 224-5344 Contact
Maryland Benjamin L. Cardin (202) 224-4524 Contact
Maryland Chris Van Hollen (202) 224-4654 Contact
Massachusetts Edward J. Markey (202) 224-2742 Contact
Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren (202) 224-4543 Contact
Michigan Gary C. Peters (202) 224-6221 Contact
Michigan Debbie Stabenow (202) 224-4822 Contact
Minnesota Amy Klobuchar (202) 224-3244 Contact
Minnesota Tina Smith (202) 224-5641 Contact
Mississippi Roger F. Wicker (202) 224-6253 Contact
Mississippi Cindy Hyde-Smith (202) 224-5054 Contact
Missouri Roy Blunt (202) 224-5721 Contact
Missouri Josh Hawley (202) 224-6154 Contact
Montana Steve Daines (202) 224-2651 Contact
Montana Jon Tester (202) 224-2644 Contact
Nebraska Deb Fischer (202) 224-6551 Contact
Nebraska Ben Sasse (202) 224-4224 Contact
Nevada Catherine Cortez Masto (202) 224-3542 Contact
Nevada Jacky Rosen (202) 224-6244 Contact
State (New Hampshire - Tennesee) Senator Phone Contact Page
New Hampshire Maggie Hassan (202) 224-3324 Contact
New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen (202) 224-2841 Contact
New Jersey Cory A. Booker (202) 224-3224 Contact
New Jersey Robert Menendez (202) 224-4744 Contact
New Mexico Martin Heinrich (202) 224-5521 Contact
New Mexico Ben Ray Lujan (202) 224-6621 Contact
New York Kirsten E. Gillibrand (202) 224-4451 Contact
New York Charles E. Schumer (202) 224-6542 Contact
North Carolina Richard Burr (202) 224-3154 Contact
North Carolina Thom Tillis (202) 224-6342 Contact
North Dakota Kevin Cramer (202) 224-2043 Contact
North Dakota John Hoeven (202) 224-2551 Contact
Ohio Sherrod Brown (202) 224-2315 Contact
Ohio Rob Portman (202) 224-3353 Contact
Oklahoma James M. Inhofe (202) 224-4721 Contact
Oklahoma James Lankford (202) 224-5754 Contact
Oregon Jeff Merkley (202) 224-3753 Contact
Oregon Ron Wyden (202) 224-5244 Contact
Pennsylvania Robert P. Casey, Jr. (202) 224-6324 Contact
Pennsylvania Patrick J. Toomey (202) 224-4254 Contact
Rhode Island Jack Reed (202) 224-4642 Contact
Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse (202) 224-2921 Contact
South Carolina Lindsey Graham (202) 224-5972 Contact
South Carolina Tim Scott (202) 224-6121 Contact
South Dakota Mike Rounds (202) 224-5842 Contact
South Dakota John Thune (202) 224-2321 Contact
Tennessee Marsha Blackburn (202) 224-3344 Contact
Tennessee Bill Hagerty (202) 224-4944 Contact
State (Texas - Wyoming) Senator Phone Contact Page
Texas John Cornyn (202) 224-2934 Contact
Texas Ted Cruz (202) 224-5922 Contact
Utah Mike Lee (202) 224-5444 Contact
Utah Mitt Romney (202) 224-5251 Contact
Vermont Patrick Leahy (202) 224-4242 Contact
Vermont Bernard Sanders (202) 224-5141 Contact
Virginia Tim Kaine (202) 224-4024 Contact
Virginia Mark R. Warner (202) 224-2023 Contact
Washington Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441 Contact
Washington Patty Murray (202) 224-2621 Contact
West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito (202) 224-6472 Contact
West Virginia Joe Manchin, III (202) 224-3954 Contact
Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin (202) 224-5653 Contact
Wisconsin Ron Johnson (202) 224-5323 Contact
Wyoming John Barrasso (202) 224-6441 Contact
Wyoming Cynthia M. Lummis (202) 224-3424 Contact
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