I truly believe the Lord has given His people solutions that will shape culture and strategy that will impact the course of human history. I’d propose that one of the most practical ways to transform culture is to influence the laws that are shaping the world we live in. It is important that we exercise our right to vote, get involved in local government and run for office. However, if we are going to bring the kingdom to earth we must ditch the political spirit and its divisive nature and join our value systems to the kingdom of heaven. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with believing and sharing in fundamental, moral, and ideological beliefs as a specific political party. However, I have seen firsthand the infectious and contagious nature of the political spirit. It has plagued our nation and tried to take root in my own heart. It has one mission: to cause division among the children of God and confusion in the hearts of men.
The kingdom of God is inclusive of all people; it does not have an “us versus them” mentality. The spirit of God has one vision and one mission to love all people and all parties; it is not a respecter of political parties. The challenge is that we live in a world where it has become normal to demonize people of different political parties. The Lord is not a Republican nor is He a Democrat; He is not afraid to use the unlikely ones of society or the foolish to humble the wise.
I want to encourage you today to run far from the divisive nature of the political spirit and hold tight to the Kingdom values of heaven. My prayer is that the Lord would begin to give you heavenly strategy and divine assignments to impact culture and transform society. You have everything you need in you to trample darkness and be a force of light to the world.
I would love to hear in the comments below how you have seen heaven come to earth and transform and impact society and culture!