Sometimes the prophetic calling on our life looks different than we might have expected. But, it’s important to remember the way you live your life is a prophetic declaration — the choices you make in what may feel like the mundane of life when partnered with the Holy Spirit have the power to impact the generations, break walls of segregation, and give a voice to the voiceless.
I want to challenge you to ask yourself:
do I have faith that God can show up at work the same way He does on Sunday mornings? Or in my family the same way I have experienced him in prophetic gatherings? I’d propose protecting the things that are valuable to God may look different than making prophetic proclamations and fitting a man made mold. Instead it may look like allowing the Spirit of God to flow through you so that a generation may be impacted by the prophetic declaration of your life.
Do you desire to accelerate your prophetic calling? To understand the current time of reformation so you can positively influence the course of history and impact the generations to come? I want to invite you to School of the Prophets this August 8-12, 2022. School of the Prophets is a 4.5 day training school for prophets, highly prophetic people, and church leaders that want to learn how to operate with prophets.
Every year we have students that attend from all over the world both in person and online. Last year one of the students shared with our team at the end of the week this incredible testimony:
“I came into this feeling alone, broken and hopeless. I really lost my hope in God and I really just began to despise prophecy. I was just really struggling. Each session brought healing to me. Community group was a blessing. I left with a new lens, my hope in God has been restored. I'm so overwhelmed with joy. After signing up at the last minute I wondered if this was a mistake.
This was one of the best decisions I made. I have no regrets. My mind has been totally transformed.” - 2021 School of the Prophets student.
Another student shared this profound testimony:
"After the last session, my wife and I felt filled with the Spirit. We went to dinner at a diner in the Hilltop neighborhood. A waitress seated us and gave us menus. When she came back to take our orders, she looked at my wife and said; "I know what you want, you want the fish and chips." My wife said "That's right." The waitress got excited and then turned to me and said; "Well then, I'll bet you want a Reuben." I said; "That's right." She got really excited and started running around the whole restaurant telling everyone that she had guessed the whole order for two customers. We talked about this later and realized that this was an instance of someone being activated by the presence of Spirit-filled prophets.
This was the same as King Saul being activated when he entered the company of prophets.” - 2021 School of the Prophets student
It is these kinds of testimonies that make us so excited to gather every year — to see people fully healed, activated, and deployed into their prophetic destiny! You can learn more and register for both in person and online experiences