1) CourageFear is the most socially accepted sin in the church. Every year at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, I do an exercise to confront fear within our students. I ask them to write down what they would do if they were ten times bolder. After a few moments, I point out to them that if they’ve written anything down, then they have sadly partnered with fear in some area of their lives. Boldness doesn’t develop in you through wishing you were bolder. It develops in you through purposed, practical and often pre-determined action.Remember the mindset of a world changer is not to avoid fear at all cost, rather it’s recognizing the presence of fear yet moving forward in spite of it. This is how the core value of courage is developed within you. When it comes to going after what God has called you to, confronting fear is an opportunity to experience your God-given authority in action.
2) RiskThe dogs of doom bark at the doors of your destiny. In order to drown out the snarls of utter doom, it requires that you take up supernatural faith. To step through the doors of the calling that God has on your life, it will require coming face to face with the fear and shame that comes along with the potential of failure. The life of a world changer requires risk and learning how to fail well.An interesting thing is that most often it’s not what happens in our lives that scare us. Rather, it’s the stories we make up about what could happen that actually cultivate fear. To develop a core value of taking risk, entertaining thoughts that reduce you to your fears must stop! If you are going to apprehend all that God has for your life, it requires that risk be viewed through God’s perspective plan to “prosper you and not to harm you... to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
3) PerseveranceStep up! Even when you don’t feel like it. Romans 15:4 says, “For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Perseverance is persistence. It’s rooted in unwavering hope, and as we can see in this verse when it’s combined with the encouragement that is found throughout the living Word, something amazing happens…. When you couple God’s Word with never giving up, you’ll find a tenacity growing within you that refuses to allow fear to delay your destiny. This is key to apprehending your heavenly call and making a noted impact on the world around you. In other words, if you want to change the world, you must decide to be a person who perseveres through challenges, the storms of life, the voices that would try to silence you and any force that would defy God’s plan and purpose to prosper you.Building the muscle of perseverance only happens when you place your hope in what God says is true about your life and don’t delay on the present promises God has spoken over you.