Do you trust your government to always or at least sometimes act in the best interests of the people?
In a 2023 study by Pew Research Center, public trust in government in the United States has reached an all-time low of 20%, a significant drop from the 80% it used to be in the 1960s.
These statistics are unsurprising, given the current governmental and political landscape we traverse on a daily basis. It’s not uncommon to witness news stories with headlines accusing leaders of moral failings, embezzlement, or dishonesty. Leaders and politicians often say one thing but do another, leaving us questioning the integrity of our systems.
It's tempting to feel hopeless and disengage from a seemingly broken system, but the truth is, the government is an invisible force that influences all parts of society, directly impacting each one of us. Therefore, as believers, it's our responsibility to be a positive force in what influences us.
In the face of cultural challenges, a crucial question emerges: How do we maintain hope and actively contribute to a positive Kingdom influence on society?
In 2 Kings 6, the prophet Elisha and his servant are surrounded by an opposing army. The servant sees the strong force and panics, asking, “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” Elisha responds, “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha prays, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opens the servant’s eyes, and he sees the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
This narrative vividly illustrates the contrast between the natural and the supernatural. God is always doing more than we can see with our natural eyes and it's imperative that we feed our souls with His truth over the lies that permeate society so we can gain a Heavenly perspective.
Many believers feel dismayed when they see the challenges surrounding them because they don't realize the power they have access to. We must be aware of where the problem is coming from. In Genesis 1, the first Heaven was created — the visible world, the dimensions that our five senses are acutely tuned into. In 2 Corinthians 12:2, Paul mentions being taken up to the third Heaven, revealing a realm two levels above our earthly experience and one level above the spiritual realm. But what about the second Heaven? Ephesians 6:12 tells us, "our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against spiritual forces of wickedness in the Heavenly places." This realm, from which Satan rules, is the second Heaven.
With all this in mind, I propose we won't solve first Heaven problems influenced by evil forces in the second Heaven without taking our third Heaven seat. Ephesians 2:4 says that we have been seated in Heavenly places. So often, we get stuck on first Heaven problems without seeking third Heaven solutions. It's time to adjust our thinking, grab hold of our authority in Christ, and lean into God’s vision and solutions available to us as believers.
I propose that a third Heaven perspective from God always extends an invitation to action.
In a recent conversation with Matt Plummer, Founder/CEO, Zarvana, and Candidate for Shasta County Supervisor, District 4, we discussed his journey to government and how he believes the broken contract between the people and government can be restored.
Maybe you're thinking, "Kris, I've tried, and I am struggling to have a change in perspective when it comes to government, or I don’t have a third Heaven solution. What can I do?"
The primary action you can take is to pray. Here at Bethel Church, every Thursday, I hold a prayer meeting for government leaders. A key prayer focus we have is for great leaders to be voted into office. Based on my conversation with Matt Plummer, I've compiled a list of targeted prayer points—specific points to lift up in prayer for both our current leaders and those who will lead in the future:
Pray for government leaders to:
As you pray for these leaders, I challenge you to ask the Lord what you can do personally this week to be an influence for good in government. Maybe that looks like writing a letter of encouragement to a leader, becoming more educated on the world of politics, supporting a campaign you believe in, or even running for local office yourself.