Discover Peace and Find Faith in the Midst of Any Storm
Win the invisible battle against the enemy and find freedom from fear! Get a copy of Spirit Wars
and watch my free 8-session video devotional series, designed to encourage and equip you in this season.
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Watch the free devotional-style video teachings below
and engage in the activations included in the video descriptions.
I encourage you to read the Introduction & Chapter 1 of Spirit Wars, and then dive into devotional session #1!
Here’s your session #1 key point and activation:
Session #1 Video Key Point:
“Fighting for Peace” - Many say that ignorance is bliss, but God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6). Christians are quick to intellectually acknowledge the existence of angels and demons, but few can apply that knowledge on a practical level to gain freedom and hope for themselves or others.
After surviving a literal living hell when experiencing a nervous breakdown many years ago, the Holy Spirit taught me a lot about getting free and staying free! It was the day that the Lord delivered me that I made a covenant with God to spend my life helping others find freedom.
Session #1 Activation:
Are you feeling fearful, oppressed or anxious as you start this Spirit Wars journey? Spend some time journaling, and identify the root of what you may be experiencing. This study shouldn't just be informational; it should be transformational!
Take some time to lean into what God wants to tell you through this 4-week devotional.
Ask the Holy Spirit’s peace that surpasses all understanding to blanket you as you begin this important journey into freedom.
Once you’ve read Chapter 2 - “Are You Living In A Haunted House?” complete this week’s devotion with video #2.
Here's session #2 key point and activation:
Session #2 Key Point:
“New Creation - Are You Living in a Haunted House?” - We are what I call triune beings, composed of spirit, soul, and body. To effectively deal with the different problems we face, we need to understand the ways in which each dimension affects the other two.
We also need to identify which dimension a problem is rooted in, which can sometimes be a challenge. One thing is certain, the Prince of Peace can and will lead us into complete wholeness—spirit, soul, and body!
Session #2 Activation:
New Creation: Read 2 Corinthians 5:16–21. Pray through any areas where you may still identify as a lowly sinner saved by grace.
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a fresh revelation of how God sees you as a new creation. Journal it down and reference it often to build your confidence, faith, and trust in God.
Once you’ve read Chapter 3 — Rules of Engagement, grab these insightful keys for overcoming fear with devotional session #3:
Here's session #3 key point and activation:
Session #3 Key Point:
“Keys For Overcoming Fear - Rules of Engagement” - Compelling thoughts, bad ideas, accusations, troubling visions, awful feelings, terrible pictures in our heads—many of us blame ourselves for battling these things at all. However, they’re actually flaming arrows from the enemy, disguised as our own thoughts.
The good news is that, as a Believer, Jesus has spiritually empowered you to be victorious over strongholds of every evil thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. By the renewing of your mind and by bringing your thought life into agreement with who Jesus says you are, you will engage the battle of the mind and you will win! (2 Cor. 10:4-5)
Session #3 Activation:
Re-read the subtitled section: Fear—Nuclear Arsenal of Demonic Powers in Ch. 3.
What was Nehemiah’s cure for anxiety? What practical ways can you begin to apply Nehemiah’s approach to conquering fear and anxiety?
Fear dismembers and disfigures our perspective of God. To reform your vision of God’s greatness, share a testimony or two with someone about how God showed up in your life.
Once you’ve read chapters 5 & 6, check out this session #4 where I discuss the value of self-care and why treating yourself kindly is vital to spiritual warfare.
Here's session #4 key point and activation:
Session #4 Key Point:
“Self-Care | Treat yourself Kindly” - Are you on speaking terms with yourself? Or perhaps the better question is, do you talk kindly to yourself? Talking to yourself is not strange; it is actually very normal. What is really interesting, though, is that studies show that over 90 percent of our self-talk is negative. It is as if we are feeding ourselves a steady diet of constantly negative news about ourselves. What could be more damaging to our confidence, self-esteem and joy?
The devil does not need to work hard to take us down when we do it for him with negative self-talk. However, God never intended our minds to go in that direction! He expects us to encourage ourselves in Him, sing over ourselves about His Word, and tell ourselves the good news about our family status as sons and daughters of the King! Something powerful happens when we verbalize what God thinks and says about us.
Session #4 Activation:
Take notice of your thought life throughout the day. What percentage of your self-talk has to do with God and His love for you? What percentage of your self-talk is negative?
Take some time with the Holy Spirit and let Him search your thoughts. Take note of the names you’ve been speaking over yourself, or the alias’ that others have tried to mask you in throughout your life.
Then hand them over to God and let Him breathe the freedom-bringing truth over you. Write it down and choose it everyday.
Once you’ve read chapters 7- Serious Joy, let’s talk about the true power of joy.
Here's session #5 key point and activation:
Session #5 Key Point:
“The Power of Joy | Serious Joy” - Would you classify the Christians you know as the happiest people on the planet? I hope so! We should have at least double the joy of anyone else. Jesus said He wants His triumphant gladness to be full in us, and one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit working in us is joy.
That makes two divine sources of His exuberant glee pouring into us. No matter what the world and the devil bring our way, we have the greatest reason to be outrageously happy because we know the Creator of the universe. It is time to rejoice and bring the good news of the gospel to the world!
Session #5 Activation:
Nehemiah 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Can you think of a challenging time when you needed strength and the Lord gave you joy? What happened as a result?
Has the Holy Spirit ever filled you with holy laughter? If yes, what were its effects on you? If not, are you open to the experience? If you are, then ask the Holy Spirit to tune you into His overflowing joy.
Laughter truly is good medicine for the soul. Take 10 minutes and watch a funny video or a show that gets you laughing. Notice how much better you feel.
Once you’ve read chapters 8 - The Armor of God, let’s talk about the weapons the Lord has given us to fight the battle and win.
Here's session #6 key point and activation:
Session #6 Key Point:
“The Armor of God” - There are times when we have done all we can do, we have gone as far as we can go, and reached the end of all that we know how to do. It’s in those moments, that it’s time to stand firm and put on the full armor of God. We simply must hold our ground.
Though we are not sitting down and we are not moving forward; we plant our feet firmly right where we are and refuse to budge, come hell or high water—whatever the enemy throws at us. This is when our Kingdom prayers then become prophetic declarations that direct the world around us so that we are no longer victims, but victors! It’s time we learn how to live out this radical reality.
Session #6 Activation:
Has the Lord ever given you a word in the midst of spiritual battle? What was it, and how did it make a difference? What did it do to your ability to go on the offense against the enemy?
To our eternal benefit, Paul had a lot of time on his hands in his Roman prison cell to evaluate his guards’ weapons and armor. The result is one of the most well-known passages in all of Scripture, Ephesians 6 10–17. If you have never memorized this passage, try it now (at least verses 14–17). It may serve as an important reminder at some point when you are called to stand firm and stand your ground in spiritual battle
Once you’ve finished chapters 9 - 11 of Spirit Wars, let’s take a deep dive into the spirit world and discover how God equipped you to govern it.
Here's Session #7 Key Point:
“The Spirit World” - When Jesus obeyed God by dying on the cross as a man, He took back the keys of dominion away from the devil. That is why when He rose from the dead, Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:18–19). Jesus restored our original commission to rule the earth.
It’s important to note that if Jesus has all authority, Satan has none! The only way that Satan has authority is when we give it to him. Therefore we carry His authority into every circumstance, every geographic location and every situation. That is why spiritual forces of wickedness work so hard to get us to empower the enemy through lies, sin or covenant agreements. When believers refuse to listen to the devil, however, he becomes a powerless pawn of God’s divine purposes.
I will leave you with this thought from Ephesians 4:27: “Do not give the devil an opportunity.”
Session #7 Activation:
Do you wrestle with unforgiveness? Nothing Hidden Ministries has created a prayer tool that will lead you through the process of forgiveness; you can access it by going to Be sure to partner with the Holy Spirit as you work through it, and He will bring insight and revelation to aid you in the powerful act of forgiveness.
If you believe you are battling a generational curse that has been assigned to your family line then I want to encourage you to use Nothing Hidden Ministries’ Generational Prayer tool that will lead you in breaking off anything that has attempted to stymie your spiritual inheritance. Access the tool at
Additional recommended resource: The Winning The War Within: The Journey to Healing and Wholeness written by my son, Jason Vallotton and available
Can you believe we are at the end of our Spirit Wars journey? After completing Chapter 12 - For the Love of God, watch the last video—session #8 here.
Here's session #8 key point and activation:
Session #8 Key Point:
“For the Love of God” - The apostle Paul put it best: “Love never fails . . .” (see 1 Corinthians 13:8). We have spent several chapters talking about how to win spiritual battles in our own lives and in the lives of others.
But when all else fails, remember this: Love cannot be defeated. There is no prison so secure that love cannot free you. There is no captor so strong that love cannot liberate you. There is no sin so terrible that love cannot restore you. Real love is a secret weapon that our enemy has no answer for. Whenever we roll it out on the battlefield, Satan falls like lightning.
Session #8 Activation:
Cultivating true love keeps our relationships from being reduced to duty and sacrifice. Name some practical things we can do in our relationships, including our relationship with God, to cultivate a love that goes beyond duty.
Have you gone through a time when you made God your habit rather than your friend? What brought that realization home to you? What did you do to change things? Take some dedicated time to connect with God and reconnect on a personal level, not out of obligation or need.