

By Kris Vallotton November 7, 2023
As we enter the month of Thanksgiving, I have been reflecting on moments where I've stood in awe of the doors the Lord has opened for our team, allowing us to engage in ministry across diverse spheres of influence. I am reminded of the time I was invited to Google Headquarters to teach about spiritual intelligence. I feel prompted to share this blog post originally written on October 23, 2020. This blog not only explores my encounter at Google but also delves into the profound reality of our identity as sons and daughters of God.
By Kris Vallotton September 20, 2022
By Kris Vallotton September 13, 2022
Hands touching glass with water droplets and fog, mist
By Kris Vallotton May 31, 2022
My journey of breaking free from a poverty mentality all started on a bright summer day in the first year of the new millennium when Nancy, my personal assistant, entered my office looking rather troubled. I decided to risk asking her what was bothering her. Nancy had a reputation for telling the truth. She said, “Sometimes you say things that hurt people’s feelings. You’re important to the people around you and you seem completely unaware of how much people value what you think of them. You are devastating people with your words.”
African American man holding a Bible with other hand in the air speaking near a soccer field
By Kris Vallotton January 25, 2022
So many Christians are nervous to share about their faith. But, is evangelism what we have cracked it up to be? Is it converting the hearts of man to say a single prayer and check them off our list? What a sad misunderstanding of the gospel if it is. I’d propose Jesus was a perfect example of true evangelism; He loved the ones in front of Him and wasn’t scared of the ones who were lost. He made His imperfect people His closest companions and confidants. What I am getting at is, doing the work of the Father was food for His soul — the very thing it still should be for the Church today.
blue sky with white clouds with pine trees in the background and two hands reaching for each other
By Kris Vallotton June 18, 2021
Have you ever questioned what it would look like to be surrounded by world-class leaders? Or to be a world-class leader yourself? I would propose that the greatest leaders of our day are not solely the president or the pope, rather they are the individuals in our everyday lives that inspire and ignite people to pursue and prepare for a vision or mission. Personally, I work and live in an environment where I am surrounded by world-class leaders that cultivate and equip others to do the same; an ecosystem of sorts that creates the finest leaders — no, they are not perfect, but I would argue that they are some of the finest leaders of our day.
Two people having a discussion over coffee with two mugs hands rested on a white table
By Kris Vallotton June 11, 2021
The prophetic can feel like an unknown box of uncertainty filled with mystified movements and misunderstood ministries. Yet, I’d propose it is one of the greatest gifts that Christ gave the Church with the purpose to bring clarity and comfort. Have you ever questioned the legitimacy of a prophetic word, or if someone is really a prophet? Maybe you’ve even questioned if you, yourself are a prophet or maybe one of your family members is.
By Kris Vallotton May 28, 2021
I remember the day I met God. I was 15 years old and in desperate need of a miracle — my mother was sick with Psoriasis. I had no answers or hope to offer her; I felt powerless and helpless as I watched her battle the pain that plagued her body. I cried out to “whatever or whoever” might hear me: “If there is a God out there if you heal my mother I will find out who you are and serve you for the rest of my life.” In response, I heard the audible voice of God say, “My name is Jesus Christ and you have what you have requested.” The Lord introduced Himself to me in a way that could not be reduced to my mere understanding; it was nothing less than a supernatural experience.
Man standing on the top of a mountain in a yellow rain jacket looking at a curved highway
By Kris Vallotton May 21, 2021
Whether you are the stay-at-home mom or the president of the United States, choices present themselves all day long. Can you even begin to count the number of decisions you make in a day? Decisions begin from the very moment you wake up; will you snooze your alarm or what will you eat for breakfast? These are probably the kinds of decisions you almost make subconsciously. Then, there are the decisions that might make you stop in your tracks and ponder what to do — should I marry that person or should I take that job? Decisions like these feel they could be life-altering.
Have you felt like the world has gotten so complicated?
By Kris Vallotton January 29, 2021
Have you felt like the world has gotten so complicated? There are no bright flashing lights ahead, assuring you’re headed in the right direction, the future is looking foggy, the path is uncertain and your present is feeling unsettling? I understand, this has been our reality as we’ve had to learn to navigate one of the most challenging seasons our country and world have faced.
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