

By Kris Vallotton November 7, 2023
As we enter the month of Thanksgiving, I have been reflecting on moments where I've stood in awe of the doors the Lord has opened for our team, allowing us to engage in ministry across diverse spheres of influence. I am reminded of the time I was invited to Google Headquarters to teach about spiritual intelligence. I feel prompted to share this blog post originally written on October 23, 2020. This blog not only explores my encounter at Google but also delves into the profound reality of our identity as sons and daughters of God.
By Kris Valotton October 24, 2023
Have you found yourself struggling to maintain your relationships through various seasons of your life? The truth is, relationships are one of life’s greatest challenges and most tremendous rewards. There are few things that come close to the eternal value of our relationships, and stewarding them well during our time on Earth is our highest commandment, carrying a Heavenly weight into the age to come!
Man with a board that he is working with on a black wooden table in a shed with wood chips on ground
By Kris Vallotton January 18, 2023
We live in a day and age where the foundations of gender are being questioned, masculinity has become the villain, and identity is a point of confusion. Culture has placed the roles of men and women on the scales of equality and attempted to prove the purpose of one or the other. The truth is, men and the masculinity they carry is desperately needed, yet has been drastically disregarded. But, I’d propose that not only has culture been left to tackle the topic of toxic masculinity, but the Church has not known how to approach the beast of confusion that lies in wait at our doorways, lingering over our children, and whispering lies about who we have been created to be. Yet, the unfortunate truth is masculinity has become a source of scary stigmas rather than an experience of the loving strength of God it was meant to display. In return, many welcome the Jesus who was kind and gentle enough to make friends with little children, yet reject the Jesus who crafted a whip before He turned tables over in the temple.
Redhead woman sitting looking into the distance white shirt jeans hand on face resting on knee
By Kris Vallotton September 3, 2021
I am deeply concerned by the offense that I see boiling over in the hearts of the Church today! In the midst of these tumultuous times, I feel it is extremely important to lay down our offenses, examine our hearts, and protect our innocence. It can be easy to take on bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness when our world is divided, personal opinions are loud, and the stakes feel high. Yet I’d propose that the Lord is asking us to protect our innocence and purify our hearts.
Hands holding two women jean jacket pink nails gold rings on fingers
By Kris Vallotton August 20, 2021
Have you ever been in the midst of a relational mess? The kind that leaves you wanting to run far away and hide from the pain of the problem, escape the inequity, and avoid the argument. The truth is, relationships are one of our greatest challenges and one of our most tremendous rewards in life. Consider for a moment the exchange God made in order to regain relationship with us. The level of sacrifice made is the most painful, gruesome, unjust yet powerful and significant moment in history, all in effort to regain connection with us. Let me be clear, relationships are not supposed to kill your soul or abuse your worth, but they do entail sacrifices of comfort and declarations of love.
As children of the King, it’s our responsibility to create a culture that makes people feel valued!
By Kris Vallotton December 22, 2020
As Christmas is quickly approaching in just a few days, I’m keenly aware that time spent with family over the holidays can be a pain-point for many people. Yet, as sons and daughters of the King, it’s our responsibility and honor to create a culture that makes people feel loved, seen, and valued.
Jesus has the final say!
By Kris Vallotton November 6, 2020
When Ezekiel entered the valley of dry bones, the outlook was bleak; death hung over the battlefield like a thick dark cloud of gloom. Then suddenly, God rocked Ezekiel’s world when He asked the prophet a ridiculous question: “Can these bones live?” The great prophet staggered to comprehend the possible outcome of God’s incredible inquiry. Finally, he gathered himself and answered, “You know, Lord.” The rest is history: a mighty army emerged from the valley of dry bones as Ezekiel prophesied life into that graveyard.
You were made for more.
By Kris Vallotton October 23, 2020
The mind of Christ gives us a capacity for brilliance that is beyond our human intelligence.
Laying down our life for love
By Kris Vallotton October 16, 2020
I’ve been married to the woman of my dreams for 45 years, and we’ve been together for 50 years total. People often ask me how Kathy & I have stayed together for so long. I’ll tell you our secret...
You were made to step out of the crowd.
By Kris Vallotton August 14, 2020
Are you trapped in a crowd of cowards and lost sight of what’s really important?
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