Emotional Health


By Kris Vallotton April 16, 2021
I recently interviewed Elizabeth Woning, the co-founder of the organization Equipped to Love and The CHANGED Movement, on an important piece of legislation that is currently being considered in Washington D.C. The Equality Act (HR5) is a piece of legislation that focuses on anti-discrimination. Why should you care about the Equality Act Amendment?
Vision gives pain a purpose!
By Kris Vallotton April 9, 2021
I had an encounter with God years ago that has changed my life forever. As I laid in my bathtub one night Jesus walked into my bathroom and told me, “You’re a great leader. You’re going to be a prophet to kings, prime ministers, and governors.” You may think that is incredible or wish God would walk into your room and give you clarity on your calling.
Cross outline high in the sky with blue and pink clouds
By Kris Vallotton April 2, 2021
With Easter in just a couple of days, I’ve been thinking about the power of the cross. I always find myself in awe and admiration of the sacrifice that was displayed for me on the cross between the nails, flesh, and wood.
Spiritual warfare can feel can feel like the thing we know exists but we don’t want to acknowledge.
By Kris Vallotton March 26, 2021
Have you ever had a problem in life you just can’t seem to solve? It can feel like you’ve hit a dead-end road, exhausted all of your possibilities, knocked on every door, and called everyone you know - yet still, the problem persists.
The spiritual realm is very real, but the enemy does not have an all-access pass to the believer!
By Kris Vallotton March 19, 2021
Have you ever had someone walk through your door unannounced? It can feel invasive, breach trust, or even rob your peace. This is what a spiritual battle can feel like; a constant uncertainty that your worst nightmare is right around the corner about to barge in the front door and make themselves at home.
3 Keys to Fight Depression and Anxiety
By Kris Vallotton March 12, 2021
If you’ve ever battled with the weight of depression, you know it can feel like the thief in the night who came to steal all your joy and drive for life. This is what depression was like for me; it robbed me of any drive for life, and I was beat-down on my couch for seven months.
If you are going to make a difference in the world you have to start within your household!
By Kris Vallotton March 5, 2021
I’d like to propose that if you are going to make a difference in the world you have to start within your household. Our most important project and precious gift are the lives given to us to lead by God. Family is a heavenly assignment, noble decree, and a virtuous pledge to the sacrifice of personal gain for the pursuit of a greater love - that transforms homes and society beyond our four walls.
By Kris Vallotton March 5, 2021
True health is more than eating right, exercising, and getting good sleep!
By Kris Vallotton February 26, 2021
How do you assess if you are a truly healthy person? Is it someone that eats properly, exercises enough, and gets quality sleep? These are all components that affect our health, but they are not the only ones.
You need people in your life that will chase you back into good deeds!
By Kris Vallotton February 19, 2021
Have you ever been corrected or put back on “track” by a friend? Initially, it stings like a slap across the face—unexpected and shocking, but that soon fades when you realize it has saved you from the pit of pride and the slippery slope of self-righteousness.
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