

By Kris Vallotton November 7, 2023
As we enter the month of Thanksgiving, I have been reflecting on moments where I've stood in awe of the doors the Lord has opened for our team, allowing us to engage in ministry across diverse spheres of influence. I am reminded of the time I was invited to Google Headquarters to teach about spiritual intelligence. I feel prompted to share this blog post originally written on October 23, 2020. This blog not only explores my encounter at Google but also delves into the profound reality of our identity as sons and daughters of God.
dj playing music at a night club edm
By Kris Vallotton November 1, 2023
Have you ever felt the Lord's call to enter a new season, city or job, only to be met with a landscape of darkness and dismay upon arrival? Have you ever questioned if you heard His voice correctly when it seems like the place He sent you is devoid of His presence and power? Oftentimes, we question whether we heard Jesus right when faced with environments and missions that don’t match our expectations. Do you continue on or retreat? You might even wonder, "What impact can I truly make in such a place?"
Broken window class with tower seen through the window
By Kris Vallotton November 8, 2022
Have you ever looked through a pair of glasses with cracked lenses? The world appears bent out of shape with obscured clarity and uncertain circumstances — leaving you unsure if you can even trust the next step you’re going to take. Our belief systems have the same ability to crack the lenses through which we see the world causing us to make accusations, statements, and decisions based on unstable theories. Have you ever considered how the way you view God as a Father affects every aspect of your life? My friend Jonathan Helser says, “The God that we see is the son and daughter that we will be.”
By Kris Vallotton September 13, 2022
light coming through the ceiling
By Kris Vallotton August 2, 2022
Have you recently flipped on the news and found yourself overwhelmed by the staggering state of the world today? A generation of young people battling for their sanity as high-level anxiety, nervous breakdowns, and depression run rampant in the hearts and minds of the young. Additionally, records spotlight the largest number of fathers in history abandoning the family ship, ultimately leaving their families to brace the waves of life on their own..Let me be clear, this is not intended to ignite fear, but to birth a passion for the restoration of a generation. Before you lose all hope let's consider the state of the world when the prophet Malachi delivered this declaration that became a symbol of the generational restorative power of God’s nature:
Woman holding compass in the mountains with a man in front on a hike
By Kris Vallotton July 26, 2022
It has become all too common in the church for many to defer to “God’s plan” for our lives. On its surface, it sounds like a “good, Christian” approach to life, but what if I told you it’s not true? That God does not have a plan for your life? Allow me to explain. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God has a purpose for every single person on the planet, but I do not believe He has a plan for each person. What I mean by that is God has called each and every one of us to fulfill a particular role in the context of history, and there are 1001 ways He can get us there. Instead of a singular, pre-mapped path to your final destination, it’s a little bit more like a “choose your own adventure” story.
hand holding a compass looking at the forest, pine trees and mountains in the background
By Kris Vallotton August 13, 2021
Have you ever found yourself consumed with the feeling of inadequacy, feeding the appetite of your ego, and striving to perform for a platform? Maybe you have even found yourself running a righteous race and fulfilling your divine destiny, but the scramble for success and significance is not the soul-satisfying and thirst-quenching stream you thought it would be. Rather, a deceiving temptation that exists to distract us with additives to what was meant to be a singular pursuit of the One.
Paintings with green and pink and white all around in a wave pattern
By Kris Vallotton July 16, 2021
Have you ever questioned your ability to hear God’s voice? Maybe you’ve even canceled yourself out and deemed hearing from God as something that is only for certain people. But, have you ever considered the specific and unique way the Lord speaks to you? I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve been asked the question, “Why can’t I hear God’s voice?” The truth is, God is always speaking and God wants to talk with everyone.
Individual in blue sweater sitting at desk with a journal and bible open, writing in the journal
By Kris Vallotton July 9, 2021
As I have been preparing for School of the Prophets, I’ve been reminded of the desire to see prophets equipped to lead in wisdom and power that birthed the school over 16 years ago. With this in mind, this past week I sat down with Lindsey Reiman — a powerful, young prophetess with a unique gift to train and equip others in the prophetic and one of our speakers at this year’s School of the Prophets — to discuss keys for walking in the call of a prophet. I hope this conversation brings clarity to the gift of prophecy, helps you steward the call on your life, and discern the prophetic words you have been given.
River flowing through the mountains with trees on both sides of the forest and the sun rising
By Kris Vallotton June 25, 2021
Can you remember as a child the wonder that filled your imagination as you dreamt of who you would become and what occupation you would have? Maybe you dreamt of being a superhero, fireman, or ballerina — didn’t the possibilities just feel endless? Often, I see believers eager and excited about the endless possibilities when they first receive a word from the Lord about their calling. However, sometimes the patience necessary for the process can actually become disheartening. Truthfully, I experienced this in my own life as I waited over 20 years to be acknowledged as a prophet. The truth is, the gift of prophecy brings clarity to our call and purpose to the process. Maybe you’ve had a dream or vision that you can’t deny was from the Lord about the call on your life. However, questions like “How will it pan out?” or “What will it look like?” might fill your mind even if there is a clear direction given from God. But, before accomplishing the call there is the process of preparing and priming for the purpose;
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