By Kris Vallotton
June 25, 2021
Can you remember as a child the wonder that filled your imagination as you dreamt of who you would become and what occupation you would have? Maybe you dreamt of being a superhero, fireman, or ballerina — didn’t the possibilities just feel endless? Often, I see believers eager and excited about the endless possibilities when they first receive a word from the Lord about their calling. However, sometimes the patience necessary for the process can actually become disheartening. Truthfully, I experienced this in my own life as I waited over 20 years to be acknowledged as a prophet. The truth is, the gift of prophecy brings clarity to our call and purpose to the process. Maybe you’ve had a dream or vision that you can’t deny was from the Lord about the call on your life. However, questions like “How will it pan out?” or “What will it look like?” might fill your mind even if there is a clear direction given from God. But, before accomplishing the call there is the process of preparing and priming for the purpose;